Monday, July 20, 2009

Catching up

Well I didn't get to do an update last night, we had mega thunderstorms and didn't want to risk getting struck by lightning by going online. We have storms again tonight but there seems to be a lull at the moment.

Well where do I start. In the year or so since I stopped blogging, me weight has blown out to close to 100kg again, back to where I was when I started my weightloss journey back in January 2004.

My girls have grown in leaps and bounds. Bethany is 7 now and in year 2. She has been in the choir at school for over a year and sang at many school events including last years graduation and anzac day and this year participated in the Dale Music Festival which is choirs from all different schools in the area. She is loving dancing. She has been at her current dance school since the beginning of last year and at her end of year concert last year won the trophy for Best Junior Performer. She choose to participate in dancing competitions this year and performed her first solo in May.

Caitlyn is 2 and a half and is non stop from morning to night. She is so different to Bethany at the same age. She is so stubborn. She idolizes Bethany and always wants to do what Bethany is doing. She started doing dancing this year and loves it. She is going to be a buzzy bee in the end of year concert.

Here is a recent pic of the 2 girls taken yesterday:

On to me. I have well and truely got back into my scrapbooking since last year. I now go to regular crop nights once a month at my local scrapbook shop where a regular group of fellow scrappers get together and chat, joke and have a general good time while completing layouts. It has become a great outlet for me to have a regular get together with others outside of home. I have just completed a new layout for the shop's monthly competition but am yet to take a picture of it so will upload it tomorrow.

Mentally, the whole weight thing isn't doing wonders for me at the moment. My self esteem is at an all time low. I am copping regular comments from my inlaws regarding my size (there are other issues there too that I won't go into right now) and I have had to go out and by all new clothes because all my ones from last year don't fit anymore.

I finally decided back in March to do something for myself. I had always promised myself that once I had got to my goal weight I would get the unicorn tattoo that I always wanted. Well back in March I decided that it was going to be a long time before I got there and to stuff everyone else and go and get it anyhow. I didn't even tell Pete until after I got it done(there were consequences from that also). Anyhoo, it is all been and gone now. I don't have a picture of it now that it has all settled but I do have one that my sister took of it after I got it done:

It is on my left hand shoulder.

So there is a brief summary of where I am at the moment. I have signed up for the lovely Pauline's spring challenge to try and kickstart my weightloss although I am still recovering from a sprained ankle that I got at the beginning of June. Today is my second day without an ankle brace, so fingers crossed I might be able to start some gentle walking soon.

Better log off, the thunder has started again and I want to get this saved before the power dies.

Until later